Thursday, February 23, 2012

A note to all my bitches

Okay, okay...I know I promised that I would update this more often but as a wise friend pointed out to me...blogs are easy when you are boring and don't have friends because then you have lots of free time on your hands, like my friend Doug Johnson.  (Just kidding, Doug.  Sort of) 

But to be honest I have been actually crazy busy.  I traveled some at the beginning of the month, to Amsterdam and Madrid.  Both were great trips and I still intend to post about each trip separately.  I do have notes and pictures so I can still put together a decent story, but for now I will just update a bit on the happenings of this week. 

At the beginning of the month I started a new job where I became a traveling road show for America.  Basically, I go around and talk to kids in the German equivalent of high school about what it's like to grow up in the US.  It's sort of awesome.  1. because I like to talk, especially about things like America and 2. because every class is different and interesting and since I get bored so quickly, it keeps me engaged...  Of course my favorite part of the presentation is talking about Stereotypes.  I have two great slides that I show of maps.  Many of you have probably seen these before, but I still love them. 

The first illustrates American's view of Europe:

The second American's view of the World. 

Oh and good news...while uploading these two pictures, I just realized there is now a direct uplink for Mobile uploads.  Perhaps I can finally start posting pictures of all the absurd things I see on a day to day basis.  I have often contemplated a section just on hairstyles of Berlin...they are atrocious.

In other news, the U-Bahn (subway) here has been chuck full of crazy people lately and they ALWAYS seem to stand right next to me.  Yesterday though, I have to say finally the crazy guy wasn't fact he was sort of hilarious.  At every stop he would get out and then try to recruit people to get in his car because he said he was giving a performance.  Then right as the doors were closing he would pull out a little container of bubbles and blow bubbles.  It was particularly funny when he blew the bubbles in a German cop's face.  However also in the car was this raving lunatic Turkish guy standing inches from me who would scream out in some unknown language...something between Italian, German and drunk about total nonsense.  He was not my favorite...

In other news, I will be making my grand re-debut out in the Berlin party scene on Saturday night with my friends Marcus and Willem. I haven't been out since I had visitors from France back in mid January!  I have been an asocial, boring Betty lately, but I am starting to get optimistic about the days getting longer and the weather getting better.  GOD please let spring come early this year.  I'm jealous of all your punks in DC enjoying 70 degree weather already.  I think today it reached 50.  Not complaining, but rained in the morning and snowed on Tuesday. 

Finally, a note to all you who harass me about not blogging enough.  It's clear that you miss me terribly, so stop being lazy, or cheap and book a damn ticket already!  May is the best month in Berlin and so far I have no visitors booked.  Pick your weekend!