Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apartment #2

Tomorrow I will tour my second WG and cross your fingers for me because this is the one I really want.  It's small, but in a really great part of town with lots of good cafe's and restaurants and not too far from my school.

I don't want to make a habit of blogging about my diet, but it's totally different here.  I think I mentioned before, I have no idea how everyone doesn't weigh 500 pounds because carbs alone today:  4 pieces of toast, 2 breakfast rolls, roasted potatoes, tortellini, and some delicious cake from a cafe.  In addition i probably had a pound of cheese, a pint of milk, yogurt, 5 breakfast sausage links, scrambled eggs, potato chips, cookies, and leftover turkey breast.  What a weird combination of foods.

Okay, very busy day tomorrow, but this weekend I'm going to Hamburg for a little excursion/adventure before school starts and my method of getting there is...well...not conventional. 

That's right...a blog cliffhanger!!!