Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Much to say about nothing...

Okay really this is just going to be a quick rant to keep myself in the habit of blogging from time to time.  First I want to complain for a second because I had a shitty day for NO reason at all.  The sun even was out all day and in Berlin in January...I mean that's a small miracle in itself...but yea, I guess it was having to go to work, which has been aggravating me lately, to say the least.  Let's just say I'm really looking forward to school starting again so that I can exercise my noggin'.

Secondly, I got to the gym today and it was unbelievably full...didn't pay much mind to the crowd in the gym until I got to the locker room where there was a QUEUE for the effing lockers.  Honestly I wanted to punch someone, but I did my best to behave and now I'm at home after a shitty workout and leftovers writing about it.

Okay, I feel better now.  On the flip side, I should be in a good mood.  I have LOTS of guests here this week and I'm really looking forward to that.  I've been super well-behaved and have not been out since New Years day, so I think it's time to cut lost a little this weekend.  The problem is...and this is also adding to my frustration....It's Berlin Fashion Week (which is sort of a joke in itself) except that my incredibly talented dear friend Willem was honored today for Humanity in Fashion, in a really very well done show, as one of 3 finalists!  I'm very proud of him.  Check his stuff out here:

He's a looker, too!  I think many of you have gawked over photos of him before.

Also, this weekend will be lots of fun because I"m determined with friends from Paris, London and Prague here, sure to be great.  Additionally I have a few exciting weekends coming up:

Jan 27-29:  Amsterdam with Uncle Bobby Neill
Feb 2-6:  Madrid to visit the gorgeous Daniela
Feb 9-12:  Cologne for Karnival

Okay well that's it for tonight, because I have to go do the most rewarding thing of my day...Floss (one of life's overlooked pleasures).



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